The Exponential Increase of Microplastics in Sediment
Science Advances
When this study came out in September 2019, it received international media attention, because of our disturbing finding that microplastics were exponentially increasing in the sediment record over the last 75 years at the same rate as the exponential increase in worldwide plastics production over that period.
Here is just a sampling of the articles written about the piece, including an article that ran in print in the LA Times and one that was the lead story on the website for The Guardian.
After bronze and iron, welcome to the plastic age, say scientists - The Guardian
Plastic Will Be the Shameful Artifact Our Descendants Dig Up - Wired
Where Does All the Plastic Go? - The New Yorker
UCSD discovers surge in plastics pollution off Santa Barbara - LA Times, SD Union-Tribune
When future archaeologists study the earth, their main find will be plastic - World Economic Forum
Après l’age de pierre et l’âge du bronze, l’âge du plastique ? - Le Monde
Why 99% of ocean plastic pollution is “missing” - Vox; a video seen 5.2 million times that featured my sediment research