WWF Report on Arctic Noise
While at AOS, we were contracted by WWF-Canada and WWF-Arctic Programme to work with the Arctic Council and their working group PAME (Protection of the Arctic Marine Ecosystem) to perform a modeling study on underwater noise pollution due to shipping in the Arctic and its effects on marine mammals. We wrote two reports for them, one modeling the increase in Arctic underwater noise from 2013-2019, and one forecasting future shipping in the Arctic based on 2030 ice projections.
This work has been presented at multiple conferences, was incorporated into our esri book chapter, and was published as a peer-reviewed research paper in JASA (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America) in January 2024.
I was the project manager and lead author for AOS on these projects, before I left the company. This involved coordinating across multiple international stakeholder groups for access to data, multiple drafts of figures and language, and finalizing the text to be approved by all involved.
The first report, whose cover is above, is linked here. The Phase II report was delayed due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but will hopefully be released soon.